Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Tulisan 11 (Softskill)

Communication Process and Verbal Communication Styles
Verbal communication styles (continued)
-          Contextual and personal styles
·         Contextual style is one that focuses on the speaker and relationship of the parties
·         Contextual style is often associated with high-powerdistance, collective, high-context cultures
·         Personal style focuses on the speaker and the reduction of barriers between the parties
·         Personal style is more popular in low-power-distance individualistic, low-context cultures

The text above explain about verbal communication styles especially in contextual and personal styles.
Contextual style and personal style are equally focused on the speaker. But there are also differences
between the contextual style and personal style. Contextual style also focuses more on the relationship
between the communicator with the communicant. So shall also consider such as what communicators
position, and vice versa. So in contextual style should use the language properly and politely. But it also
should avoid words that bought the bush to be understood by the communicant course. So that
communication can proceed smoothly.

Contextual style associated with high-power distance, it certainly could have been barriers often occur,
especially from the media of communication. Contextual style is also related to the culture, and
therefore the communicator and the communicant should at least understand the culture of both of
them not to misunderstand primarily from the language factor. In the contextual style is likely that many
barriers in the communication process happens.

While the possibility of a personal style barriers in the communication process a bit. Because in the
communication, the communicator with the communicant using language that could be called
colloquially. Each other so easy to understand what is being said. Because personal style is more popular
in low power distance individualist then in a personal communication style is more common among

close friends such as.

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