Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Tulisan 21 (Softskill)

The chocolate is processed food or drinks of cocoa beans. Chocolate was first consumed by the inhabitants of ancient Mesoamerica as a drink. Chocolate is generally given as gifts or gifts for the holidays. With the form, style, and unique flavor, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy, or even attention as a statement of love. Chocolate also has been one of the most popular flavors in the world, in addition to the chocolate bar is most commonly consumed, chocolate also became the material of hot and cold drinks.
There are positive impact of consuming chocolate. Researchers at Glasgow University to measure the speed of blood flow through the arteries in the brain, while the subject of research being consumed chocolate. They found that chocolate has an effect on the levels of carbon dioxide that affect the blood vessels, so that it can improve blood flow and impact on brain cells. Professor Matthew Walters, who led the research, told the Daily Mail, “normal amounts of chocolate consumption can unleash a flow of blood. Our Data consistently show the direct effect of chocolate in the blood vessels of the brain”, said Walters. Similarly, New research suggests that consuming one chocolate bar, have a direct effect on the brain and can reduce the risk of stroke. A recent study featured in the journal Neurology, shows how cocoa affected blood vessels.
Chocolate contain with alkaloid like teobrominfenetilamina, and anandamida which has physiological effect for body. This raises the possibility that there is a direct effect of some components of chocolate on blood vessels. However, processed chocolate also has a content sugar and high fat, which can lead to obesity, which is a definite risk factor for stroke.

Psychological effects that occur when enjoying chocolate because the melting point of the cocoa fat is located slightly below the normal temperature of the human body. If we eat a piece of chocolate, the fat of the chocolate will melt in the mouth. The melting of cocoa fat raises distinctive mellow taste in the mouth. The melting of chocolate in the mouth increases brain activity and heart rate more powerful.

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