Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Tulisan 17 (Softskill)

The Development Of Music In Indonesia

World of music knows no boundaries, age, race and so on. Music can be enjoyed by anyone. Today, the music evolved following the development of the human mindset. This causes a kind of music became more diverse. The use of additional instruments too much so that the music becomes more attractive. It is unfortunate when people do not understand music better than his art. Though hobby music can be used as a wide range of professions such as artist, teacher, sound control systems, the management company or studio recording, to be an artist manager. As a result people do not really understand music, then people tend to think easy to play music. Tracks piracy also caused by the lack of understanding of the process of creating good music and eventually less appreciate a piece of music. Artists become lazy bear works of quality because less socially acceptable, the result that emerges is that the music industry has always followed the market demand. Theme music is offered to the public generally monotonous for adult consumption. This could be bad if heard by children from childhood. Children should listen to songs with a variety of themes such as play, friendship, love to parents, and religious environment.
The development of religious music in Indonesia is good enough with the bands like Ungu, Gigi, who made the album Islamic religious songs. Christian; religious songs are also quite a lot that became popular in the community with several soap operas with religious themes. And as we know, the current music in Indonesia has also been greatly influenced by the Korean wave. Of course, Indonesia has very different music, such as the emergence of many current boyband or girlband who was heavily influenced by the Korean wave. There are so many songs inspired RecentMost also from Korea, as well as music sung, sounds very similar to the music coming from a country that was very up leaves.

Listen to different types of music is also good to train our sentiment, though the kind of music it is less according to your taste and personality, but try to enjoy it because who knows we'll be able to find the beauty that is before we get out of the music.

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