Senin, 31 Oktober 2011


My mother
You always smiling cheer
You always brushed wound
When I fall
You always kiss me
My moment restless

You always beside me
When I want you
You always make me spirit
When I sad

Thank you, mother
Matchless affection

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Make Pudding with Mother

     Sunday morning, my mother was making pudding in the kitchen. I asked permission to be helpful. I want to learn to make pudding. My mother allowed me to made pudding. I must genuinely care. "Kitchen should not be cluttered", mother said. My mother mix water, sugar, milk, and jelly. I stirred the mixture with cooked. Not less than fifteen minutes, pudding finish cooked. Mother immediately enter into the baking pan pudding. On the pudding gived cherries for garnish. Pudding must wait a while to harden. Finally, pudding finish cooked.

Washing the Car with Father

     On sunday, I get ready washing the car. I would help my father. My father put out the car from garage. I became an interpreter parking. I made soapsuds in the bucket. My father spray the car. And then, our car rubbing together. Aduhhh... heard my father shout. I ran to my father. My father sank while crying. Father stepped on the foot of soapy water, then slip. "Father did not care, because the father slips", father said. My father laugh, I also laugh. Havefun washing the car with father.

My Habit at Morning

     Every morning I get up at 5.00. The first job I did was tidy up my bed. I folded the blanket and tidy up the sheets. After that, I opened the window with wide. "Yeah, really fresh", I said welcomes the morning that blew. I immediately take a bath. Byurr, spalsh of water made me more than fresh. After take a bath, I wearing clothes, I also equipment to prepare lectures today. And then, I breakfast. After that, I go to college. I do own all. I training to be an independent child.

Maya's Birthday

     Five day's ago Maya birthday. Maya born on 26th October 1993, 18 years ago. Sisi invite her friends to home. Her friends brought the gift and say happy birthday. Maya say thank you to her friends. And then, her mother invited guests taste the cuisine. Maya mother really delicious cuisine. Her friends dishes like he mother. There are yellow rice, fried chiken, meatball, crackers. There are also cakes and a variety of beverages. Maya looks happy in her birthday. After the party her friends made a surprise to Maya. Maya doused with water and flour, then into a swimming pool. 

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

No Smoking

     That day, I visited my grandmother was sick. My grandmother treated in the hospital. This newly I visit the hospital. My grandmother was sleeping when I came. And then I out so as not to interfere. In out door, the security was reprimanding a boy. He reprimanded because was samoking. He was immediately shut down his cigarette. Smoking prohibited in hospital. As well as in public places such as office, airport, and station. Smoking can harm health, good for smokers and the peoples around.

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Example The Advertisement on TV and Example The Sentence Poster

Example the advertisement from TV

The advertisement above using words attract attention with the words "fresh on your style". It mean the words is fresh after you drink it.

Example the poster

The poster above using the words to invites peoples in round the world. It's invite us for do the right things to greening our earth. By planting the trees in every home, not use excessive electricity, etc.


Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

5 situs from Gunadarma University

There are 5 situs from Gunadarma University

     This situs give service to the problem related with account (e-mail, username, password), internet usage and wifi in the enviroment University of Gunadarma.
     Contains information related with teaching and learning activities and academic  administrative for all student University of Gunadarma.
     Studentsite is the official site for the students of gunadarma and through this situs academic administrative services can do.
      Contains information about lecture schedule, exam schedule, lecturer teaching schedule, lecturer workshop, courses schedule and student workshop, and job information.
      Site that contains current information on the University of Gunadarma.

Make The Advertisement

 Salty cashews and onion flavor. There are 1/2kg and 1kg. You can order appropriate with flavor or size available. At affordable prices. Your satisfaction is guaranteed with a taste that fits and you have nothing to lose. :)

Teori Bahasa Iklan

     Periklanan merupakan bentuk komunikasi yang digunakan untuk membujuk audiens (pemirsa, pembaca atau pendengar) untuk mengambil beberapa tindakan sehubungan dengan produk, ide, atau layanan. Tujuan dari disampaikannya iklan tersebut adalah mengarahkan perilaku konsumen terhadap suatu penawaran komersial ataupun mempersuasi seseorang dalam melakukan sesuatu (seperti iklan politik/layanan masyarakat yang nonkomersial). Pengiklan Komersial seringkali mencari untuk menghasilkan peningkatan konsumsi dari mereka produk atau jasa melalui “branding,” yang melibatkan pengulangan atau nama produk gambar dalam upaya untuk kualitas tertentu berasosiasi dengan merek di benak konsumen.

     Melalui media iklan dapat disebar luaskan agar konsumen tahu akan produk yang ditawarkan. Media tersebut terdiri atas media cetak (koran, majalah, surat langsung), media penyiaran (radio, televisi), media elektronik (pita audio, pita video, videodisk, CD-ROM), dan media display (papan reklame, tanda reklame, poster). Sebagian besar pesan nonpersonal datang melalui mdiaedia yang dibayar.

     Sebuah inovasi iklan terbaru adalah ” gerilya marketing “, yang melibatkan pendekatan yang tidak biasa seperti menggelar pertemuan di tempat umum, hadiah produk seperti mobil yang ditutupi dengan pesan merek, dan iklan interaktif dimana penonton dapat merespon menjadi bagian dari pesan iklan. Periklanan gerilya meningkat menjadi lebih populer dengan banyak perusahaan. Jenis iklan ini tidak terduga dan inovatif, yang menyebabkan konsumen untuk membeli produk atau ide. Hal ini mencerminkan kecenderungan meningkatnya interaktif dan “tertanam” iklan, seperti melalui penempatan produk , memiliki suara konsumen melalui pesan teks , dan berbagai inovasi memanfaatkan layanan jaringan sosial seperti facebook.

     Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dalam iklan sangat penting dan
juga apabila didukung dengan gambar-gambar yang menarik, maka iklan tersebut bisa menarik perhatian pembaca. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa yang tepat, menarik, sopan dan logis, ungkapan atau majas yang digunakan untuk memikat.Bagi penutur, sebuah iklan dikatakan
bisa berhasil menyedot perhatian khalayak apabila menggunakan bahasa-bahasa
yang menarik, kalimatnya mudah dipahami, serta terdapat ilustrasi gambar.


Example the advertisement

The advertisement offer winter blues. When winter comes all must need a winter blues to warm the body.
