Rabu, 30 April 2014

Tulisan 10 (Softskill)

The Difference Habits Between Indonesia and Japanese People
This difference Habits of Indonesia with Japanese people - Habits japan with Indonesia appeared to have differences far enough. As appropriate of fact that the Japanese are famous for more discipline, better, developed than Indonesia. it is clear and evident that Japan is really advanced now. In any case the habit of Indonesia is still inferior to the Japanese customs.
This difference Habits of Indonesia with Japanese people:
1. When in public transport:
Japan: People are reading a book or sleeping.
Indonesia: People on the chat, laugh giggle, daydreaming, and sleeping.
2. When eating in public transportation:
Japan: Trash leftovers stored in the pocket or put in a bag, then just thrown away after finding the trash.
Indonesia: With a face without sin, trash thrown away just like that under the bench or thrown out the window.
3. When the class:
Japan: The blank is college hindmost.
Indonesia: The blank is the next college.
4. When professors give lectures:
Japan: All students listened intently silent.
Indonesia: Look to the left, there is a chat. Look to the right, read some comics. Look back, to sleep. Just wrote a calm front row listened to, it was because it sits right in front of the nose lecturer!
5. When given a task by the lecturer:
Japan: On the same day, directly invade the library or browsing the Internet for searching data.
Indonesia: If still no tomorrow, why have to doing today!
6. When late for class:
Japan: Begging pardon bowing 90 degrees, and show expressions of shame and regret not going to repeat it again.
Indonesia: Just go like that without asking permission to the teacher at all.
7. When on the highway:
Japan: The car is very rare (except in big cities). In fact, Japan's largest car producing country in the world.
Indonesia: Road traffic, and often so difficult to cross the road.
8. When office hours:
Japan: Streets were very quiet, like a ghost town.
Indonesia: There Unscrupulous use chocolate-brown uniforms wandering around shopping malls.
9. When the trash:
Japan: Waste disposal according to its kind. Organic waste disposed of in a special waste organic, inorganic thrown in the inorganic trash.
Indonesia: Organic or inorganic, thrown in the same trash.
10. When leaving the office:
Japan: Departure by train or bus city. Car just using that as a family event or just urgent.
Indonesia: Prestige does not want to ride public transportation.
11. When agreed to meet:
Japan: Everything came right on time as agreed.
Indonesia: One one side there must be left up moldy and crusty over time because of the wait!
12. When walking in the morning:
Japan: People walk fast like doggy pursued, fearing late to work or school.

Indonesia: Walking back and some people were worried it would taste too late to work or school.

Tulisan 9 (Softskill)

Trend Jilbab Terbaru Tahun 2013

Nah kira-kira kreasi hijab atau jilbab apa yang trend di tahun 2013 ini?, nah simaklah ulasan selanjutnya. Perkembangan Model atau style Hijab atau jilbab begitu pesat akhir-akhir ini, tentu juga akan semakin pesat pada tahun 2013, berikut ini beberapa kreasi dan trend Jilbab yang bakalan laku atau trend di tahun 2013.
§  Kreasi Jilbab Keong
§  Kreasi jilbab kuliah modis
§  Kreasi jilbab chic
§  Kreasi jilbab muslimah
§  Kreasi jilbab gaul
§  Kreasi jilbab syar’i
§  Kreasi jilbab kerja elegan
§  Kreasi jilbab arab
§  Kreasi jilbab bergo
§  Kreasi jilbab anggun
§  Kreasi jilbab simple
§  Kreasi jilbab dwi warna
§  Kreasi jilbab batik
§  Kreasi jilbab ice cream
§  Kreasi jilbab trendy
§  Kreasi jilbab pashmina 2013
§  Kreasi jilbab casual
§  Kresi jilbab simple trendy 2013

Tren jilbab terbaru 2013 akan banyak diwarnai dengan warna-warna cerah seperti warna-warna bunga dan keceriaan musim semi.

Kain motif print digital dengan beragam motif sepertinya masih akan mewarnai trend jilbab terbaru di tahun 2013 nanti.

Kain motif print yang diaplikasikan ke dalam jilbab instan tentu akan semakin berkembang dan lebih modern dengan beragam desain ataupun model.

Jilbab yang terinspirasi dari Timur Tengah masih akan berkembang mengingat peminat dan komunitas jilbab yang ada juga semakin kreatif dalam bergaya dengan beragam model jilbab dan padu padan busananya.
Itulah beberapa kreasi dan tren jilbab yang akan trend pada tahun 2013 mendatang, kreasi dan trend jilbab ini akan lebih membuat wanita Indonesia mengandrungi Hijab atau jilbab. Tidak dapat dipungkiri memang wanita selalu identik dengan keindahan. Keinginan setiap wanita muslimah untuk menjadi lebih baik, khususnya dari segi penampilan, merupakan sebuah tuntutan di tahun 2013. Hal ini tentunya akan terwujud dengan adanya usaha untuk memperbaiki penampilan, salah satunya dengan cara berjilbab atau berhijab. Mengenakan hijab simple dan praktis menjadi dambaan setiap muslimah ditahun 2013. Kepada Kaum Muslimah khususnya yang ada di Indonesia, buatlah penampilan anda menjadi semakin modis dan trendy namun tetap memperhatikan fungsi dan syarat jilbab agar sesuai syar’I tentunya.

Tulisan 8 (Softskill)

Trend Model Pakaian Tahun 2013

Seperti biasanya, para ahli fashion sudah memprediksi tentang trend fashion untuk beberapa tahun ke depan. Bila trend fashion tahun 2011 ini telah diprediksi sejak tahun 2009, maka sekarang para ahli fashion sudah sibuk memprediksi apa saja yang akan menjadi trend di dunia fashion pada tahun 2013. Trend fashion yang diprediksi tidak hanya mengenai model baju di tahun  2013 tetapi juga meliputi bahan yang akan menjadi trend, warna bahan, tas, sepatu, kacamata, dll.

Para pelaku dunia fashion akan selalu menyoroti pergerakan model fashion dari para designer kondang yang sering memamerkan karya-karya mereka di New York, Milan, dan Paris. Dengan berdasarkan pengalaman mereka dalam meramal trend fashion untuk beberapa tahun mendatang, mereka akan membuat sejenis rangkuman dimana dalam rangkuman tersebut akan berisi tentang warna, bahan, model, pola, siluet serta komponen pendukung lain seperti asesoris yang berupa sepatu, ikat pinggang, syal, dll. Dari rangkuman itu nanti mereka sudah bisa meramal dan memprediksi model pakaian 2013 yang akan menjadi trend nantinya.

Menurut para ahli fashion, model pakaian yang akan menjadi trend di tahun 2013 adalah model pakaian yang mempunyai kombinasi warna yang lembut sehingga bisa menciptakan rasa tenang, puas  dan nyaman bagi pemakainya. Bahan pakaian yang digunakan di tahun 2013 nanti akan banyak menggunakan bahan dari serat organis alami mengingat pada tahun tersebut sudah banyak orang yang mengkampanyekan gerakan cinta lingkungan. Model pakaian 2013 juga akan dipenuhi dengan model-model pakaian yang genit, riang dan tetap mempunyai sentuhan feminim.

Tulisan 7 (Softskill)

Trend Rambut Pria dan Wanita | Model dan Warna 2013

Tren Rambut 2013 adalah model rambut yang diprediksi akan tren pada tahun 2013. Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama dan bahkan sudah menjadi rahasia umum, setiap tahun baru datang, tren rambut pun mengalami perubahan dan penyesuaian yang diharapkan mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Rambut seperti yang kita ketahui adalah mahkota kita terlebih lagi bagi para wanita. Tren potongan rambut 2013 pun siap menjadikan pria dan wanita untuk tampil lebih stylish dan modern.

Berfokus tentang tren rambut 2013, model dan warna rambut yang akan tren di tahun 2013 – 2014 siap untuk membuat kita tampil lebih modis dan elegan. Lalu seperti apa tren model rambut dan juga tren warna rambut yang akan tren di tahun 2013 – 2014? Mari kita simak bersama – sama.

Tren warna rambut untuk pria dan wanita :

Untuk tren warna rambut, untuk tahun mendatang warna gelap yang dikombinasi dengan penambahan highlight warna terang siap untuk membuat kita lebih elegan. Tren warna rambut terbaru ini akan dapat diaplikasikan baik pada pria dan juga wanita.

Tren model rambut untuk pria dan wanita :

Model rambut pendek terbaru : Potongan pixie cut, short cut dan angled bobs akan disempurnakan dimana model rambut pendek ini akan membuat kita terlihat enerjik, muda dan tetap terlihat fresh.
Model rambut panjang terbaru : kepang simple adalah pilihan yang paling hip. Rambut dikepang ke belakang atau ditata cantik di depan.

Tulisan 6 (Softskill)

Solo Adakan Acara Car Free Night Pada Malam Tahun Baru

Pengusaha bus kota dan angkutan kota di Surakarta menyatakan kesiapannya untuk mengerahkan armada hingga malam hari di malam pergantian tahun. Hal itu dilakukan untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan car free night yang diselenggarakan di ruas Jalan Slamet Riyadi dan Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.
Ketua Organisasi Angkutan Darat (Organda) Surakarta telah berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah setempat. Bus kota dan angkot siap untuk mengangkut penumpang yang ingin menikmati malam tahun baru di car free night.
Ketersediaan kendaraan umum itu mutlak dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan pribadi di malam pergantian tahun. Sehingga jalan tidak bertambah macet. Bus kota dan angkot tersebut akan disiagakan hingga lewat tengah malam untuk mengangkut kembali warga yang hendak pulang.
Pemerintah Kota Surakarta menggelar car free night di dua jalan protokol. Penyelenggaraan car free night ini adalah untuk kedua kalinya, setelah tahun lalu mereka menggelar acara serupa.
Dua jalan protokol tersebut akan dibebaskan dari kendaraan bermotor sepanjang 5 kilometer. Kawasan bebas kendaraan akan diberlakukan sejak pukul 21.00 hingga 01.00.Pengoperasian angkutan tersebut bukan semata-mata karena permintaan dari pemerintah. Banyak warga yang memilih untuk menggunakan kendaraan umum daripada harus kebingungan mencari tempat parkir di kawasan car free night.
Esensi dari penyelenggaraan car free night ini adalah untuk mengurangi emisi gas buang. Selain itu, penggunaan kendaraan umum juga dimaksudkan untuk mencegah kemacetan di ruas jalan lain. Pelaksanaan car free night pada kali ini bakal lebih meriah dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Selain menggelar pentas seni di tujuh panggung yang disediakan, mereka akan menggelar tari kolosal. Sebanyak 2.013 penari jaran kepang akan memeriahkan malam pergantian tahun.

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Tulisan 5 (Softskill)

Examples of Conditional
1.       I will remember, if I can.
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is possible for the future. “I will remember” is the sentence of simple future tense. And “if I can” is the sentence “if clause” of simple present tense.
2.       If you had shut them tight up, it wouldn’t have happened.
The sentence above use “if clause” type III, because it is contrary to fact in the past. “if you had shut them tight up” is the sentence “if clause” of past perfect tense. And “it wouldn’t have happened” is the sentence of past future perfect tense.
3.       If you're not good directly, I'll put you through into Looking-glass House.
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is possible for the future. ”if you’re not good directly” is the sentence “if clause” of simple present tense. And “I’ll put you through into looking-glass house” is the sentence of simple future tense.
4.       If you don’t talk so much, I'll tell you all my ideas about Looking-glass House.
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is possible for the future. “If you don’t talk so much” is the sentence “if clause” of simple present tense. And “I'll tell you all my ideas about Looking-glass House” is the sentence of simple future tense.
5.       I wouldn't have minded it so much, if it hadn't been a new one.
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is contrary to fact in the past. “I wouldn't have minded it so much” is the sentence of past future perfect tense. And “if it hadn't been a new one” is the sentence “if clause” of past perfect tense.
6.        She would have gone straight out at the door in the same way, if she hadn't caught hold of the door-post.
The sentence above use “if clause” type III, because it is contrary to fact in the past. “She would have gone straight out at the door in the same way” is the sentence of past future perfect tense. And “if she hadn't caught hold of the door-post” is the sentence “if clause” of past perfect tense.
7.       If you don't hold your tongues, I'll pick you!
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is possible for the future. “If you don't hold your tongues” is the sentence “if clause” of simple present tense. And "I'll pick you” is the sentence of simple future tense.
8.       I wouldn't mind being a Pawn, if only I might join.
The sentence above use “if clause” type II, because it is contrary to fact in the present/future. “I wouldn't mind being a Pawn” is the sentence of past future tense. And “if only I might join” is the sentence “if clause” of simple past tense.
9.       You'll wake him, if you make so much noise.
The sentence above use “if clause” type I, because it is possible for the future. “You'll be waking him” is the sentence of present future tense. And “if you make so much noise” is the sentence “if clause” of simple present tense.
10.   It would be just as well if you'd mention what you mean to do next.
The sentence above use “if clause” type II, because it is contrary to fact in the present/future. “It would be just as well” is the sentence of past future tense. And “if you'd mention what you mean to do next” is the sentence “if clause”of simple past tense.
11.   If you had the two eyes on the same side of the nose, for instance or the mouth at the top that would be some help.
The sentence above use “if clause” type II, because it is contrary to fact in the present/future. “If you had the two eyes on the same side of the nose, for instance or the mouth at the top” is the sentence “if clause” of simple past tense. And “that would be some help” is the sentence of past future tense.
12.   She wouldn't have heard it at all, if it hadn't come quite close to her ear.
The sentence above use “if clause” type III, because it is contrary to fact in the past. “She wouldn't have heard it at all” is the sentence of past future perfect tense. And “if it hadn't come quite close to her ear” is the sentence “if clause” of past perfect tense.
13.   If the governess wanted to call you to your lessons, she would call out.
The sentence above use “if clause” type II, because it is contrary to fact in the present/future. “If the governess wanted to call you to your lessons” is the sentence “if clause” of simple past tense. And “she would call out” is the sentence of past future tense.
14.   Only they wouldn't answer at all, if they were wise.
The sentence above use “if clause” type II, because it is contrary to fact in the present/future. “Only they wouldn't answer at all” is the sentence of past future tense. And “if they were wise” is the sentence “if clause” of past tense.
15.   It would have been all the better, as it seemed to Alice, if she had got some one else to dress her, she was so dreadfully untidy.

The sentence above use “if clause” type III, because it is contrary to fact in the past. “It would have been all the better” is the sentence of past future perfect tense. And “if she had got some one else to dress her, she was so dreadfully untidy” is the sentence “if clause” of past perfect tense.

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Tulisan 4 (Softskill)


Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
Selamat siang dan salam sejahtera untuk kita semua.
Yth dosen bahasa Indonesia, ibu Margaretha Sumarwati.
Serta teman-teman sekalian yang saya cintai.

Marilah kita bersama-sama memanjatkan puji dan syukur kita kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkah dan karunianya kita semua dapat berkumpul dalam keadaan sehat pada hari yang cerah ini.
Teman-teman yang saya banggakan,

Saya akan mengangkat masalah tentang global warming yang sedang melanda bumi kita tercinta ini,hari-hari yang dilalui dirasa sangat panas.Ini dikarenakan oleh perbuatan manusia itu sendiri ,illegal loging,polusi yang terus menerus mencemari udara bersih yang selama ini kita hirup,musim hujan dan musim panas sudah tidak teratur lagi,mungkin karena bumi kita ini memang sudah tua.Banyak orang-orang menyerukan untuk mengurangi polusi tapi ini dimulai dari kesadaran kita sendiri juga,ada yang sudah membuat terobosan dengan mencat atap rumah menjadi putih,melakukan penghijauan,dan masih banyak lagi.

Para illegal loging yang sampai sekarang belum sadar akan perbuatan mereka yang memberikan dampak yang sangat besar bagi anak-anaknya dimasa mendatang,dimana sungai-sungai tidak lagi sejernih yang sekarang,dan tercemar oleh limbah yang mematikan,banjir terjadi dimana-mana,dan mungkin akan lebih suram lagi daripada yang saya sebutkan tersebut,tapi mereka masih pada belum sadar juga akan perbuatan mereka dimasa kini akan berdampak meskipun baru terasa berpuluh-puluh tahun kedepan.
Oleh karena itu kita harus berusaha sedini mungkin untuk meminimalkan dampak dari global warming tersebut,dimulai dari menanam pohon,dan ingat,semua yang kita lakukan walaupun kecil itu sangat berarti bagi bumi kita tercinta ini.

Jadi buat teman-teman yang masih suka membuang sampah sembarangan,usahakan membuang pada tempatnya,jangan cuma disembarang tempat,ini juga demi kebaikan anak-anak kita dimasa depan, maka peduli lah pada bumi kita ini..

Sekian pidato dari saya, kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf.
Terima kasih,
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Senin, 21 April 2014

Tulisan 3 (Softskill)


In Indonesia, most (even all) football coaches like to wear casual clothing / workout clothes while on the bench to accompany his team to compete. While in European leagues, coaches like to wear formal clothing such as suits, ties, dress shoes, scarf, etc.

Appearance that reflects the personality and charisma of a person's identity. Appearance of the coaches in Europe that tidy and formal shows his charisma as a professional coach, who could manage his team, so how was the poor quality of an individual team can still present a neat and regular games that well-organized by their team architect is coach. Maybe there's already a habit for the coaches wear formal clothes.

Because in Europe there is subtropical temperate weather is cold so they wear a scarf to relieve the cold. And not all the coaches in there wearing a suit, there is also wearing a thick jacket and usually waterproof, and added wear gloves.

It is inversely proportional to the coaches in Indonesia who wear casual clothes while performing their duties. This indicates less charismatic and commanding a coach, so any team that practiced will not ever advanced. His name in the domestic league champions, but not necessarily against a aboard team can be a winner. Commanding and charismatic coach who is one of the key strengths of a team.

For the coaches in indonesian maybe in order to the ground situation is not tense, so they wear casual clothes. Or did the trainers in Indonesia like the simplicity of dress. I'm sure they can afford to buy a suit, but they are more concerned with his team rather than luxury himself.

For the coaches in Indonesia does not anyone wear a scarf when accompanying his team competed. That clothing is less comfortable to wear in tropical countries like Indonesia that the weather is hot.

With the warmer weather, wearing shirts or training may be the most convenient option. If overseas wear a scarf or gloves, in Indonesian wearing a hat. In addition to adding style, the hat can also protect the head from the heat of the sun, especially during a match made ​​in hot weather. So, this hat will more often we see in football Indonesia.

Kamis, 17 April 2014

Tulisan 2 (Softskill)

The Differences of Dining Ethnic of Countries

                This world has so many diverse cultures. Especially if it is separated continents, even though neighboring countries, ways and traditions can be contradictory.
In this regard, how to eat in each country broadly separated by continents is certainly different and diverse. Here's the explanation.


                Japanese cuisine is known by the nickname the healthiest food in the world. Not only that, the type of food and cooking techniques are very varied. As robatayaki, a very traditional cooking techniques, namely by way of grilling food over hot coals. Also Tepenyaki, which in Indonesian means the iron grills, many offered in the Japanese restaurant. Raw foods are also cooked by a chef with a direct action in public. Japanese people usually eat with chopsticks and bowls. Even the food that is difficult sometimes to be taken with a spoon they were still using chopsticks. In addition, when they eat, they do not sit in a chair, but as his knees and covered with cushions. If you eat soup as soup and other foods must diseruput, should not continue to pour sauce on the rice and use 2 pairs of chopsticks to pick a side dish (usually unintentionally two people taking the same side dish)


                History of Chinese culinary term was applied to other procedures that have been feeding thousands of years old. Ate procedures for developing China today comes from the Zhou Dynasty in the 11th century. Tata empire-style way of eating is then developed with a different in every region of China. First, differences in feeding procedures depending on the social strata are divided into groups of nobles, officials, merchants, commoners. Procedures are now generally eat only two kinds, namely the host and guest. The procedure is similar to eat in china such as Japan, there is little difference between such as:
- The seat is usually placed at the main entrance facing east or.
- Ethnic China also has a habit of toasting. But the toast was not done simultaneously but sequentially starting from the honored guest, who sat next followed, until the last seat.
- When the meal begins, one must keep in order to remain polite way of eating. Young people have to wait for older people say, Let's eat, to start eating.
- Rules in holding the bowl, your thumb should be on the edge of the bowl near the mouth.


                You will not find a spoon and fork on the dining tables of the Arabs, because they prefer the pleasures of eating with your hands. In addition, they like to eat in a noisy place, such as rice placed in a rather large container of container here and they eat together. In addition to stacks of rice are also in the flesh, meat goats and camels. Arab food is mostly made of meat and bread that looks kind of round. One other habit is to eat and talk, even if the meal is finished, continue. Take foods that are closest to you, if you want to take food that is located some distance away, so excuse me in advance, because it's big and long dining table.

                For some of the community who still uphold the traditional Javanese, eating is a daily activity that should not be separated from the manners and rules of Javanese culture. Every movement, speech and behavior is concerned. When the meal begins, young people have to wait for older people, either to take or to start eating rice. When taking rice or side dishes should be taking in a considerable portion, if not newly added again. not to leave leftovers. An Indonesian / Javanese living in tropical climates that get a lot of heat so they are more relaxed in a way that enjoyed eating and slowly enjoy so much enjoy cooking with my bare hands without tools.


                Post-World War II, the U.S. won the war to implement a new culture of food eaten. Work schedules are made as efficiently as possible by the American system of one hour lunch break. Their Latin civilization thousands of years old are taught that eating is a ritual that Sacré. After the main satiety eating, take a leisurely over a cup of coffee. Here we have called lowering the rice before continuing work. It takes at least 2 hours. In the 1980s, when McDonald's outlets, Kentucky Fried Chicken and others start the expansion of the U.S. to various countries in the world offering fast food. It is undeniable that the U.S. fast food is a gastronomic culture. Burgers, hot dogs and even pizza is authentic European food that had also migrated to America, after the voyages of Christopher Columbus. Now they are spread all over the world, including a return to Europe with another face, that face the United States-style fast food. they usually eat with a knife and fork.


                The main MENU synonymous with the use of European-style sauce and pasta. In England, the way we eat should be in accordance with the table manner. If not, we will be branded as people who do not know manners. Much like the people in the United States, they were also mostly eat using a knife and fork. Began as an opening to snack dessert, which can provide six types of menus, or even more. Many dishes can be served, from abalone (shell), shrimp, to the typical Italian risotto. European-style main course is usually about the same. The average use sauce, beef, or a variety of raw materials from the sea, said a specialist chef European menu, Wijaya Gunawan.
                European-style main dishes are usually well adapted to the theme and the event will be held.
European-style main menu of the most popular is the use of sauces, pasta, or materials such as bacon and potatoes. European-style main menu is also served with a glass of champagne or wine.

Dining Ethics French:

                As one of the Three Kingdoms "Heaven cuisine" is renowned in the world, citizens are very concerned French cuisine. Among western cuisine, French cuisine is considered the most special. At meals, a resident of France may put two hands on the table, but do not support it with both elbows. They used to put the tip of a knife and fork on the picin (small plates), while the base is placed on the dining table.

Dining Ethics Egypt:

                Egyptians like to eat goat meat, chicken, duck, potatoes, peas, squash, onions, eggplant and carrots. They like to entertain guests with a homemade sweet snacks, when guests refused to give it a try will feel disappointed and irreverent.

Dining Ethics South African:

                The white South African daily life, especially eating Western food, often eating beef, chicken, eggs and bread, like coffee and tea. South African black people like to eat beef, mutton, its main food is maize, potatoes, soybeans. They prefer food that is cooked.

                Famous beverage is tea from South Africa. While visiting at home citizens of black South Africans, the host will usually serve milk cow or goat milk freshly squeezed, sometimes presenting homemade beer. Guests must drink a lot, it is best to spend it immediately.

Dining ethics Canada:

                Canadians prefer French menu, main menu is the daily bread, beef, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes and others. Thoroughly their main menu is meat, very fond of cheese and butter. Canadians place great importance on dinner. They have a habit of companion taulan invited to dinner at home. When you receive such an invitation should be considered a declaration of friendship from the host

Dining ethics Russia:

                Russians mostly eating with a knife and fork. They considered taboo to speak out while eating, also may not directly use a spoon to drink tea or let it stand upright in the glass. Usually they use only eating a plate, do not use a bowl.

                Russian citizens attended the banquet, should compliment the food served, and the need to eat a bit much. Usually it is full of Russians expressed by laying hands on the throat.

Ethics dining Germany:

                The Germans are very concerned meal. The most preferred meat is pork, beef next. Germans do not get bored eating an assortment of sausages made ​​from pork.

Here is a typical habit of Germans at the time of dining:

First, a knife and fork used to eat fish should not be used to eat meat or cheese.

Second, when will drink beer and wine, should be drinking beer and wine first, so as not considered medical neglect.

Third, on the plate should not overlap too much food.

Fourth, should not use napkins as a fan.

Fifth, never eat walnuts.

Dining ethics Poland:

The dining habits of Poles in general resemble the citizens of Eastern Europe.

Poles in particular abstain from eating cucumbers and steamed dishes. In the community they are very fond of inviting, but pay attention to party a lot of things in the banquet.

The first, which comes in a meal should not be odd. They consider it a bad sign.

Second, when eating chicken, duck, goose that is still intact, Poles generally consider it important to invite the lady / young lady at home to cut it, then handed out to the plates of guests.